Saturday, July 30, 2011

Microsoft Outlook shortcut keys

Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook.

Shortcut Keys
Alt + S
Send the e-mail
Ctrl + Enter
Send the e-mail you're composing.
Ctrl + C
Copy selected text.
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text.
Ctrl + P
Print selected text.
Ctrl + K
Complete the name or e-mail being typed in the e-mail address bar.
Ctrl + B
Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I
Italic highlighted selection
Ctrl + M
Send and receive all
Ctrl + U
Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + R
Reply to an e-mail.
Ctrl + F
Forward an e-mail.
Ctrl + N
Create a new e-mail.
Ctrl + Y
Go to folder.
Ctrl + Shift + A
Create a new appointment to your calendar.
Ctrl + Shift + O
Open the Outbox.
Ctrl + Shift + I
Open the Inbox.
Ctrl + Shift + K
Add a new task.
Ctrl + Shift + C
Create a new contact.
Ctrl + Shift + J
Create a new journal entry.
Ctrl + Shift + V
Move folder.

Use e-mail rules / filters to control your e-mail

Use the Microsoft Outlook Rules Wizard or Mozilla Thunderbird Message Filter to help screen your e-mail and delete e-mail messages that you are not interested in. Often many online services such as Yahoo! mail and Gmail also have filters that can be applied.
Examples of rules that can be setup
  1. Use keywords used in spam e-mails you frequently get, e.g. Viagra.
  2. Move e-mails from certain e-mail addresses such as family and friends to a specific folder.
  3. Block web forwarded e-mails.

Backup Facebook photos, videos, and text

Facebook offers all its users the ability to backup their photos, videos, and text.
  1. Click Account and go to Account Settings.
  2. Click the Learn more option next to Download Your Information.
  3. Click the Download button.
  4. You will then be prompted with a message indicating that it will take some time to collect all your information. Once that information is ready for download you'll be sent an e-mail with a link to a compressed .zip file containing all your personal information.

Also See :

Determining available hard drive space.

Definitions Of Hard drive or Hard disk drive 

Modifier key

Key on the keyboard that is only used in conjunction with another key. For example, on an IBM compatible computer, the ALT, CTRL, and Shift keys are modifier keys. On the Apple Macintosh computer, the Control, Option, and Shift keys are modifier keys. Modifier keys are often used in conjunction with other keys to perform computer keyboard shortcuts.

Also See :
Top 10 Internet tips and tricks
Repairing Internet Explorer
Top 10 Facebook tips

Find and delete bad Windows shortcuts

Use the free Bad Shortcut Killer to easily find and delete any bad Microsoft Windows shortcuts that have been left behind by Windows programs that have been uninstalled.
How to use this program
  1. Download Bad Shortcut Killer.
  2. During the install make sure to only keep the checkboxes to install Bing checked if you want Bing to be installed and set as your default search engine.
  3. After the program has been installed and is running click the Find Bad Shortcuts.
  4. Any bad shortcuts that are found will be listed and selected and deleted.
Also See :

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Numeric keypad

Also referred to as the number pad, the numeric keypad is a 17-key keypad usually found on the far right side of a typical IBM 101 / 2-key keyboard. The U.S. numeric keypad contains the below keys (going from top left to bottom right).
  1. Num Lock
  2. Forward slash (divide)
  3. Star (times)
  4. dash (minus)
  5. numeric 7, also used as the home key
  6. numeric 8, also used as the up arrow key
  7. numeric 9, also used as the page down key
  8. plus (add)
  9. numeric 4, also used as the left arrow key
  10. numeric 5
  11. numeric 6, also used as the right arrow key
  12. numeric 1, also used as the end key
  13. numeric 2, also used as the down arrow key
  14. numeric 3, also used as the page down key
  15. enter key
  16. numeric 0 key, also used as insert
  17. period, also used as a delete key. 
Below is a visual example of the Saitek Gamers' keyboard and where the keypad is located on almost every computer keyboard.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album

You've just created a Facebook photo album and it looks great, but you forgot to add that hysterical photo of cousin Cindy drinking from a coconut. Don't worry -- adding photos to an existing online photo album is even easier than creating the original album. Follow the simple steps below to learn how to add photos to Facebook album.

Share Photos on Facebook
1. Since many people's friends are on Facebook, it has become a one of the most used photo share websites. Sharing photos is quick and the online photo albums are easy for people to see.

First thing's first, find the photos you want to add to your Facebook album. Put them into a new folder, on your desktop or somewhere you can easily find them.
2. Open your Internet browser and log into your Facebook account.
3. Visit the Facebook "Profile" by clicking on the word "Profile" on the top right of the page.
4. Click on the "Photos" on Facebook Profile page from the tabs which appears below your profile name.
5. Select the album in which you want to add photos. Click on the album and a page will load where you will see all of the existing photos in the album, which you can edit if would like. To add photos, click on the "Add More Photos" tab on the top left of the page.
6. In order to add photos to a Facebook album, you need to click on the drive that appears when the Java upload box appears with a display of all your folders on the left side of the box. Click on your drive and then the folder that contains the photos you want to upload. Once you click on the folder all the photos of the folder will appear on a screen with a selection box on the top left corner of each photo.
7. Select the photos you want to upload. If you want to select all photos in the folder click on "Select All" button that is available on the top of the photo uploading box.
8. Click on "Upload" button. Once you click on "Upload," a small pop-up box will appear showing the upload in progress. Once the upload is complete another pop-up box will appear with a message conveying successful uploading of images.
9. Click on "OK" and another page will load where you can apply captions and tag your friends. with this step you have successfully uploaded your photo to an existing album.
10. Click on the link below that states "Try The Simple Uploader" if you come across any difficulty in this process. Clicking on the link will take you to a page where you will get several "Choose File" buttons. Click on a button to upload the photo you want to upload. Select the photos from the folder and click on "Open". Select as many photos as you want and click on the Upload button below. Provide captions if you'd like and tag your friends. Now you know how to add photos to Facebook album!
