Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album

You've just created a Facebook photo album and it looks great, but you forgot to add that hysterical photo of cousin Cindy drinking from a coconut. Don't worry -- adding photos to an existing online photo album is even easier than creating the original album. Follow the simple steps below to learn how to add photos to Facebook album.


1. Since many people's friends are on Facebook, it has become a one of the most used photo share websites. Sharing photos is quick and the online photo albums are easy for people to see.

First thing's first, find the photos you want to add to your Facebook album. Put them into a new folder, on your desktop or somewhere you can easily find them.
2. Open your Internet browser and log into your Facebook account

3. Visit the Facebook "Profile" by clicking on the word "Profile" on the top right of the page.
4. Click on the "Photos" on Facebook Profile page from the tabs which appears below your profile name.

5. Select the album in which you want to add photos. Click on the album and a page will load where you will see all of the existing photos in the album, which you can edit if would like. To add photos, click on the "Add More Photos" tab on the top left of the page.

6. In order to add photos to a Facebook album, you need to click on the drive that appears when the Java upload box appears with a display of all your folders on the left side of the box. Click on your drive and then the folder that contains the photos you want to upload. Once you click on the folder all the photos of the folder will appear on a screen with a selection box on the top left corner of each photo.

7. Select the photos you want to upload. If you want to select all photos in the folder click on "Select All" button that is available on the top of the photo uploading box.

8. Click on "Upload" button. Once you click on "Upload," a small pop-up box will appear showing the upload in progress. Once the upload is complete another pop-up box will appear with a message conveying successful uploading of images.

9. Click on "OK" and another page will load where you can apply captions and tag your friends. with this step you have successfully uploaded your photo to an existing album.

10. Click on the link below that states "Try The Simple Uploader" if you come across any difficulty in this process. Clicking on the link will take you to a page where you will get several "Choose File" buttons. Click on a button to upload the photo you want to upload. Select the photos from the folder and click on "Open". Select as many photos as you want and click on the Upload button below. Provide captions if you'd like and tag your friends. Now you know how to add photos to Facebook album!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Speed Up a PC With Disk Defragmentation

If you're a PC user then you know how frustrating it can be when your computer starts running slowly. Impaired system performance is often the result of file fragmentation; as files are added to and deleted from your hard drive, the physical address of related files on the disk can become more distant and scattered. Disk defragmentation serves to move your files back into a more logical order so that files are indexed and accessed in a more efficient manner. You can defragment your hard drive quickly and easily using the Windows Disk Defragmenter utility.


1. Hold the Windows key and press the R key to open up a run command box.

2. Type "dfrgui" in the run box and press Enter.

3. Press Continue at the security authorization prompt to start the Windows Disk Defragementer utility.

4. Click the "Defragment now" button.

5. Check the box next to each partition that you wish to defragment. Click the "OK" button to start the defragmentation process. The defragmentation procedure begins and the amount of time remaining in the process is displayed in the center of the program window.

Norton on Silent Mode for a Faster Computer

Norton Internet Security software monitors the computer for malicious software, such as viruses, spyware and adware. The software performs background scans while the computer is on. The background tasks can slow down the computer in some cases. Putting Norton in silent mode disables all background activity, freeing up the computer's resources and enabling it to run faster.


1. Right-click the Norton Security taskbar icon located on the right side of the task bar.

2. Click "Turn on Silent Mode." 

3. Click the drop-down box under "Select the duration." Select how long you want to keep Norton in Silent Mode.
4. Click "OK" to confirm your selection and place Norton in Silent Mode.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Disable AVG Free Without Uninstalling

AVG Free is the cost-free edition of the AVG antivirus security software. Included in this edition of the program is the AVG Resident Shield, which is the segment of the software that actively protects your computer from incoming viruses. Also included in the package is the AVG E-mail Scanner. This portion of the program will scan for threats located within your email. Both parts of the AVG Free Edition can be disabled without completely uninstalling the program.


    • 1
      Click on the start button from your desktop. Click on the "All Programs" option in the menu that pops up and locate the AVG Free folder. Within the folder, click on the option labeled "AVG Free User Interface" to open the software.
    • 2
      Locate and click on the icon labeled "Resident Shield." In the screen that populates, click to un-check the box labeled "Resident Shield active." Click the save button and the Resident Shield will be disabled until reactivated.
    • 3
      Open the AVG User Interface through the start menu. Click on the menu that is labeled "Tools" and select the "Advanced settings" option. Locate the option titled "E-mail Scanner - Servers - POP3" on the screen that pops up. Select the POP3 server. Click to un-check the box next to the option labeled as "Activate this server and use it for receiving e-mails." Repeat this process selecting the SMTP server and the AVG E-mail Scanner will deactivate.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The First Thing to Do When You Get a Computer Virus

If your computer is infected with a virus, it can cost you time and money.

Viruses are prevalent on the Web. As fast as software comes out to protect computers, new viruses appear on the Web to work around it. Unfortunately there is no way to protect your computer fully from infiltration. Everyone needs to be aware of what steps to take if a virus infects the computer.

Take a deep breath and relax. Viruses count on you to panic. Take a step back from the computer and do not touch any keys for a moment.

Turn Off Unit
Shut down the computer. Do not use the mouse or keyboard to shut down. Hold down the power button on the computer until it turns off.

Safe Mode
Turn the computer back on and immediately start to press and release the "F8" key repeatedly. The "Advanced Boot Options" menu will appear on the screen. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to highlight "Safe Mode With Networking." Hit the "Enter" key.

Run Scan
Log into Windows normally. The icons will appear larger than normal. Run a virus scan on the computer using pre-installed software. Use a second virus scanner such as Kaspersky, Malwarebytes or Super AntiSpyware if your primary software does not locate the virus.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Download Microsoft Office 2003 Free Trial

Microsoft Office 2003 is available as a free 60-day trial download. You can test all aspects of Microsoft Office 2003 fully before you decide to buy. If you decide to buy at the end of the trial, you can purchase an activation key without the need to reinstall the software. Microsoft Office 2003 comes complete with Access, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher. Certain versions may not include PowerPoint and Publisher. Microsoft makes downloading the latest trial version of Microsoft Office 2003 a quick and easy process.


1. Visit the website listed in the Resources section titled "Download Microsoft Office 2003."

2. Press "Download." This will allow you to freely download the Microsoft Office 2003 60-day trial.

Press "Save As" when the download begins. Choose a location to save the file to. Press "OK" to begin the download. The download should complete in less than 15 minutes on a broadband connection. Dial-up connections may take up to 1.5 hours.

Double-click the installation file to install the free trial. A wizard will take you through the installation.

Register with Microsoft when prompted to activate and register your product. If you don't activate, you will be unable to use the software.


Ten Things That Slow Down a Computer

New computers run fast, but over time they slow down. Some apparent computer slowness stems from the fact that newer systems come with better hardware. Even a high-end computer from two years ago can seem to crawl next to a brand new mid-range system. Not every computer slowdown finds it root in obsolete components. A number of factors contribute to diminished speed and, in the worst case scenario, leave a computer nearly useless.

Redundant Programs:
With computer security always a major concern, users sometimes install several anti-spyware and anti-virus programs. Yet, running multiple programs for the same purpose uses up system resources and slows down a computer.

CPU (central processing unit) chips work best within certain temperature ranges. When the heat level exceeds the chip's threshold, it slows or even stops the entire system.

Insufficient RAM:
Every application demands a portion of the random access memory (RAM) to store working data. A computer with too little RAM cannot efficiently provide storage space for all of the working data, which slows performance.

Temporary Files:
Many applications generate temporary files as a normal part of their operation. These temporary files often get stored on the computer, even when the computer will not need them again, which slows things down.

Full Hard Drive:
Full or nearly-full hard drives do run slower. When necessary, a Window's computer will use virtual memory, a process where it frees up RAM by moving data onto the hard drive. A full hard drive limits this option.

Traditional hard drives write to physical platters inside the drive. Fragmentation occurs when the file data gets scattered in multiple places on the platters. Severe fragmentation slows the system because the system has to find the data spread out on the platters.

Background Applications:
Many programs default to a launch at startup setting. Most users do not need all of these applications during normal use. The programs simply run in the background, wasting system resources

Hardware failure:
As physical components, both the hard drive and the RAM can suffer from physical failure. If the failure occurs over time for either, it can yield system slowdowns.

Desktop Clutter:
When a computer system starts up, after getting the hardware up and running, it loads the desktop. A desktop with numerous files or large files takes significantly longer to load, as the computer must deal with every file.

Viruses and Spyware:
New viruses, malware and spyware hit the web all the time. These malicious programs will slow any system down, by wasting system resources like RAM or through intentional damage to the operating system and related programs.

Also See : How do I determine the speed of my Internet connection?

Format a Hard Drive With Windows XP

If you want to format a hard drive while using or installing Windows XP, you've come to the right place. This can be very useful for clearing everything off a secondary drive or when installing a fresh copy of Windows. Formatting a computer hard drive is simple and can help eliminate viruses, storage issues and other hard-to-resolve problems.


1.When you format a computer hard drive you will lose everything that is on the drive. Therefore, it is very important to back up important files that you might need later. Additionally, if you are going to format and install XP you need to make sure you have the discs for any applications or third party hardware you use since you will need to re-install your programs and drivers after re-installing Windows.

2. Take a moment to think of anything that you have on the computer that you wouldn't want to lose. Generally, you probably want everything in your My Documents folder, and you also want to save things like your favorites or bookmarks from your Web browser. Remember that each user on the computer has his or her own My Documents folder, Desktop items and Favorites/Bookmarks

3. Save everything to a CD, DVD or a hard drive that you won't be formatting.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Make Smiley Faces for Facebook

Smiley faces are a great way to express yourself on Facebook. Add a little personality to your messages, make sure readers understand that you're being sarcastic, or express amusement over a friend's joke. Whether you're feeling elated, overjoyed, goofy or downright jolly, express it with a digital smile. Smiley faces dress up and animate ideas, give readers something to look at other than text, and are easy to make with a few easy keystrokes.


1. Configure your browser so it won't display graphics, animations, sound, video or other multimedia content (see "How to Turn Off Sounds, Pictures or Video on Web Pages").

Choose the smiley face that you want to use from the following options:
Happy :) - Colon followed by a parentheses
Very happy =) - Equals sign followed by a parentheses
Grinning :D - Colon followed by an uppercase "D"
Cat smiling ^_^ - Shift and press six, underscore, Shift and press six
Wink smile ;) - Semicolon followed by a parentheses
Goofy smile 8) - Eight followed by a parentheses
Tongue sticking out :p - Colon followed by a lowercase "p"
Smiling devil 3:) - Three followed by a colon and parentheses
Smiling angel 0:) - Zero followed by a colon and parentheses

Insert the smiley face two spaces behind the period following the appropriate sentence. Here is an example of how to incorporate a smiley face into text naturally: "I had the best time at the fair. :) All my friends showed up."

Add a nose to any of the smiley faces by inserting a dash in between the eyes and mouth, modifying the smiley face to look like the following examples:
Happy :-)
Very happy =-)
Grinning :-D
Wink smile ;-)
Goofy smile 8-)
Tongue sticking out :-p
Smiling devil 3:-)
Smiling angel 0:-)

Enter the symbols to show a variety of other emotions as well. For example placing a less than sign (<) prior to the numeric three (3) will allow you create the symbol of heart (<3) and similarly placing a slash (/) between < and 3 will denote broken heart (</3).

Enter two spaces after the smiley face and before beginning the next sentence.

How to Block Websites in Mozilla Firefox

The easiest way to block websites in Mozilla Firefox is by using a free, third-party add-on called BlockSite. The BlockSite extension blocks sites that have been added to its "blacklist," but it can also be set up to disable any links to the blocked sites by showing nonfunctional text instead of hyperlinks. BlockSite also has a "password protection" feature that helps prevent unwanted changes to BlockSite by others.


1. Open Firefox, click "Tools" then "Add-ons." Click "Get Add-ons" and then "Browse All Add-ons." Type "blocksite" in the search bar after the Mozilla Firefox add-ons website opens and hit "Enter."

Click the "Add to Firefox" button next to the entry for BlockSite. Allow the add-on to load (usually fewer than 5 seconds), then click the "Install Now" button. Restart Firefox when prompted.

Go to "Tools," then "Add-ons," then click the BlockSite "Preferences" button after Firefox restarts. Make sure the "Blacklist" radio button is ticked, as well as "Enable BlockSite," "Enable warning messages" and "Enable link removal."

Check "Enable authentication," then enter a password if you would like to keep other users from deleting blocked websites or changing the settings in BlockSite without your permission.

5. Click the "Add" button, enter the URL of the website you would like to block, then click "OK." Repeat to add more sites, or click the "Clear" button to delete the list. Once the list of blocked sites is complete, click "OK" and restart Firefox.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to backup your computer data



Backup mediumsHow to backup your computer


Backing up your computer is an important step every computer user should take do if they do not want to loose any of their valuable data. This page covers steps on how to backup your computer incase your computer fails, gets stolen, or gets destroyed in a fire.

Do I really need to backup?
Yes. Everyone has some type of information on their computer that they may not realize is important until they loose it. For example, Internet bookmarks, documents, financial data, saved e-mail, music, pictures, saved games, etc. Also, your computer may appear to be working normally, but it or the hard disk drive in it could fail at any time and without notice.

Backup strategies

Backup to alternate medium - Backing up your data to an alternate medium such as a blank CD-R or DVD-R is one of the easiest methods to backup our personal data. This is the absolute bare minimum method of backing up your data.

Store backups online or at another location - If your home or office were to catch fire or someone were to steal your computer and backups everything would be lost. Making backups that you store at a friends house or storing backups online is the absolute best method of protecting your personal data.

Ongoing backup - Having a computer with RAID or running software that makes backups as data changes can help make sure data is protected as it is updated. This is the best solution for sensitive data that is updated frequently. For example, if you were writing a book having a backup that was a week old could result in hours of lost work.
Backing up data to an alternate medium
Making a backup to an alternate medium such as a CD-R, DVD-R, external hard drive, floppy diskette, tape drive USB thumb drive, and zip drives is one of the easiest methods to backup your data.

Backing up to a CD-R or DVD-R
Backing up to a blank CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R or other writable disc is easy but will require some type of software or operating system capable of writing to the discs. These type of backups also require the disc be inserted into the computer each time you wish to make a backup.

Backing up to an external hard disk drive
Backing up to an external hard disk drive if the best solution for anyone who needs to backup large amounts of data and need to backup frequently.

Backing up to a USB thumb drive
To backup to a USB thumb drive copy and paste the files you want backed up to the thumb drive.

Also See : List of Links to computer manufacturers.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tips to follow before calling support

Today, it is possible to contact companies in numerous different ways. However, when planning to call or e-mail a computer company, keep the below recommendations in mind.  

  1. If you are calling for support on a particular product make sure you have all applicable numbers written down. For example, the Serial Number and Model number of the particular device or computer.
  2. If you are calling for support for a computer product, make sure you're next to the product in case you need to follow directions.
  3. Have a piece of paper and pencil prepared in case instructions are given or additional contact information is given.
  4. If you have Internet access try finding the answer to your question online before calling or e-mailing support. Many questions today can be easily found online.
  5. Make sure you have at least 30 minutes of available time, not only for the wait but the time likely required to troubleshoot the issue.
  6. If you believe the product in question is bad or needs to be replaced, have all purchase information available.
  7. If you are planning on purchasing or the support call is fee-based, have more than one credit card ready to be given over the phone.
Finally, once you've connected with support make sure to write down the support representatives name in case you need to get back in touch with him or her.

Also See : Top 10 unknown Google tricks

Is there a way to tell how hot my CPU is running?

Is there a way to tell how hot my CPU is running?


The computer must have thermal sensors or an Intel Core Duo processor or later with DTS in order for you to be able to determine how hot your computer is running. Without the proper sensors the below programs designed to monitor the temperature of your processor, video card, hard drive, etc. will not work.
CPU temperature monitor programs
  • HWMonitor - Fantastic program that displays the temperature of your CPU, each of its cores if applicable, your video card GPU if applicable, hard drives, and the min and max values of each.

  • Core Temp - Another fantastic CPU and CPU core temperature monitor that is small and when minimized displays the temperature of each of the CPU or cores detected in the Systray.

  • SpeedFan - Another good program to not only monitor the temperature of your CPU, system, and HDD but also display the fan RPM readings of each of the fans in your computer.

Note: It's possible for your computer to restart if it's not compatible with one or more of the above programs. Before running any of the above programs or similar programs make sure to save any open files incase your computer does restart.

Also see : What things to do when bored on the Internet.

Repairing Internet Explorer

If Internet Explorer has a problem that is not listed in this document, repair Internet Explorer.
CAUTION: After using these steps you might have to reenter information in trusted Web pages, such as passwords or personal information.
NOTE: If you cannot repair Internet Explorer using the following steps, get the latest version of Internet Explorer from Microsoft (download or order a CD). For more information, go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.mspx (in English).
Select one of the following sections that matches the version of Windows on your computer:

Repairing Internet Explorer in Windows 7 or Vista

Resetting Internet Explorer settings

Resetting Internet Explorer settings can resolve many types of problems.
CAUTION:  After using these steps you might need to reenter information in trusted Web pages, such as passwords or personal information.
Use the following steps to manually reset the settings:
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click Tools from the Menu bar (if the Menu bar is not displayed, press Alt to open it), and then click Internet Options .
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Click Reset .
    Figure 1: Internet Options: Reset button
    Internet Options: Reset button
  5. When done, close all open Internet Explorer windows, reopen Internet Explorer, and then try to view the Web page again.
    For more information and a video, see the Microsoft support article How to reset Internet Explorer settings (in English).

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Security softwares removal tools links

Following are the list of some Security Softwares & their Removal tools (On how to remove the specified security software).

Product : Norton(Any)
Way : www.symantec.com/nrt

Product : MCafee
Way : www.myfixes.com/articles/mcrem2

Product : Kaspersky
Way : http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208279463

Product : Trend Micro
Way : http://esupport.trendmicro.com/4/How-do-I-remove-Trend-Micro-Internet-Security-Pro-and-Trend-Micro-Inte.aspx

Product : Panda
Way : http://www.pandasecurity.com/enterprise/support/card?id=70018&idIdioma=2

Product : Zone Alarm
Way : http://download.zonealarm.com/bin/fr...cpes_clean.exe

Product : CA Security (Many)
Way : http://homeofficeforum.ca.com/homeofficeforum/showthread.php?t=46

Product : Bit Defender
Way : http://www.bitdefender.com/files/KnowledgeBase/file/BitDefender_Uninstall_Tool.EXE

Product : Avast
Way : http://files.avast.com/files/eng/aswclear.exe

Product : AVG
Way : http://www.avg.com/us-en/download-tools

Product : Spybot Search & Destroy
Way : http://forums.techarena.in/tips-tweaks/1016763.htm

Product : ESET Nod32
Way : http://www.nod32.nl/download/tool/nod32removal.exe

You just need to download or run the softwares from the above websites to remove ur Security Softwares.

You May Also See : What are the current available antivirus programs?

How do I determine the speed of my Internet connection?

How do I determine the speed of my Internet connection? 


Numerous third-party web pages have been designed to test your Internet connection speed. Below is a short listing of different web pages that enable you to quickly and easily see how much bandwidth your connection has.  We tried to create this list in order of best to worst for bandwidth testing.
If after running any of the above speed tests you believe your Internet connection speed is not performing at the speeds it should be contact your Internet provider. In many cases other than probing your modem or network interface an ISP can't do much more than test their end to make sure nothing is wrong.

 Also See :  Top 10 Facebook tips

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Top 10 new computer user tips

Backup important data
A computer or its hard disk drive can fail at any time and without warning. When it does all your personal documents, letters, pictures, music, video, etc. is lost and in many situations cannot be recovered or costs a lot of money to be recovered. Make sure you have backups of all your important data so it is not lost when the computer fails.

Protect the computer
Make sure to protect your computer from electrical surges, brownouts, and black outs. At the very least, every computer user should have a decent surge protector on their computer and phone line if they use a modem. Surge protectors can help protect your computer during an electrical storm and could save you hundreds of dollars in repair, if it were to get damaged. It is also a good idea to have the computer running on a UPS, which can help prevent damage to a computer during a brownout or blackout.

Keep computer and its programs updated
There is no such thing as a perfect software program or hardware drivers. After the developer has released their program they may discover errors and release updates to fix these problems. In the case of major software programs and operating systems, there can be several hundred updates and service packs released during its life time. Making sure your computer and its programs are up-to-date can help prevent problems.
In addition to updating a program, programs that use other programs or plugins may also need updates, for example, it is very important to make sure all the plugins for your Internet browser are also up-to-date.
