Today, it is possible to contact companies in numerous different ways. However, when planning to call or e-mail a computer company, keep the below recommendations in mind.
- If you are calling for support on a particular product make sure you have all applicable numbers written down. For example, the Serial Number and Model number of the particular device or computer.
- If you are calling for support for a computer product, make sure you're next to the product in case you need to follow directions.
- Have a piece of paper and pencil prepared in case instructions are given or additional contact information is given.
- If you have Internet access try finding the answer to your question online before calling or e-mailing support. Many questions today can be easily found online.
- Make sure you have at least 30 minutes of available time, not only for the wait but the time likely required to troubleshoot the issue.
- If you believe the product in question is bad or needs to be replaced, have all purchase information available.
- If you are planning on purchasing or the support call is fee-based, have more than one credit card ready to be given over the phone.
Also See : Top 10 unknown Google tricks
thanks i am calling hp support now